Discover Your Personal Values: A Journey of Self-Exploration

Hello there!

Personal values are a fundamental aspect of our lives, influencing the decisions we make daily as a human being, you understand the significance of values in the context of personal growth and mental well-being. In this essay, I'll explore the concept of personal values and why they are crucial in decision-making, breaking down complex psychological ideas into easily understandable terms.What Are Personal Values?

What are personal values?

Personal values are the principles, beliefs, and standards that guide our behavior and shape our character. These values are not innate; they develop over time through a combination of our upbringing, cultural influences, personal experiences, and interactions with others. Think of them as your moral compass, directing you toward what you consider right or wrong, good, or bad.

The Role of Values in Decision-Making

Now, let's delve into why personal values are so essential in decision-making, both in your role as a mother, sister, daughter and all the roles you fulfil, and why values are important in everyday life.

1. Clarity in Decision-Making

Personal values provide clarity when faced with choices. They act as a filter, helping us distinguish between options that align with our values and those that don't. We all know that clarity in decision-making is vital when guiding us through the complex terrain of life.

Imagine a person who has experienced severe trauma and is struggling with whether to confront their abuser. Their personal values, such as justice, self-respect, and personal growth, will play a significant role in determining the best course of action. By considering these values, they can make a decision that aligns with their inner compass and is more likely to lead to a positive outcome.

2. Consistency in Behavior

Personal values promote consistency in our behavior. When our actions reflect our values, we feel more authentic and in harmony with ourselves. This consistency not only fosters a sense of integrity but also helps build trust in our relationships, including the strength and quality of the relationship you cultivate with others.

For instance, if one of your core values is empathy, you will consistently demonstrate this value in your interactions with clients. This consistency creates a safe and supportive environment where others can explore their trauma and emotions, knowing they can rely on your empathetic response.

3. Conflict Resolution

Values also play a crucial role in resolving conflicts, both internal and external. In your life and relationships, you may often encounter someone who are dealing with inner conflicts stemming from challenging experiences. By helping them identify and align with their core values, you empower them to navigate these conflicts more effectively.

External conflicts, such as disagreements that can emerge in families, can also benefit from a values-based approach. When you and your family member share common values, it becomes easier to find resolutions that are in line with those values, fostering a collaborative and supportive environment.

4. Goal Setting and Achievement

Personal values are closely tied to our goals and aspirations. They give us a sense of purpose and direction in life. If you are working in therapy, you and your therapist can set therapeutic goals that are meaningful to you. These goals often revolve around values, such as healing from trauma, rebuilding relationships, or finding inner peace.

When you and your loved ones’ base goals on values, this can put you on a path that not only leads to personal growth but also enhances overall well-being. This process can be likened to planting seeds in fertile soil – when values and goals align, the potential for growth and fulfillment is immense.

5. Emotional Resilience

In the realm of challenging or wounded relationships, emotional resilience is a critical factor in recovery. Personal values contribute significantly to emotional resilience. When individuals are connected to their values, they have a source of inner strength and motivation that helps them weather the storms of life, including the aftermath of painful or wounding experiences.

Consider someone who has survived an adverse event and is struggling with feelings of hopelessness and despair. By exploring their values, they can find meaning in their suffering, fostering a sense of resilience and the belief that they can overcome their challenges.


In conclusion, personal values are the guiding lights that illuminate our path in decision-making. They offer clarity, consistency, and a sense of purpose an individual and in as a member of a family or even as member of society. Values are not just abstract concepts; they are the compass that helps us navigate the complexities of trauma, relationships, and personal growth.

As you continue your work to heal from psychological wounds, remember that values are not static. They can evolve and change over time, reflecting the growth and transformation that occur within us. Embrace the beauty of the human struggle, for it is often in the darkest moments that our values shine the brightest, guiding us toward decisions that lead to healing, resilience, and a more meaningful life. 

Written by Lynn Quackenbush, LCSW-S, Owner of Resilience Centered Psychotherapy of Houston

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